In the best mastermind groups, you’ll find exceptional, highly motivated leaders who solve problems together, share advice, and push each other to achieve massive success. Masterminds are sometimes referred to as peer advisory boards since members effectively serve as a personal board of advisors for each other. If you are a leader and/or business owner looking to grow professionally and personally, here are 7 strong reasons to consider joining a well-structured mastermind.
Learn From Multiple Perspectives
Well-structured masterminds allow members to share concerns, show vulnerability, hear different points of view, clarify priorities, make decisions with greater confidence, and form connections that help you feel safe, grounded, and capable. Together you access the shared wisdom, creativity, and intelligence of a community of smart, accomplished professionals who have each other’s back.
Freedom From Already Established Relationship Dynamics
Because mastermind members typically have no prior investment in your relationships, you are free from tricky pre-existing personal dynamics and also can offer a greater variety of perspectives without judgment.
Consistency and Structure
The regularity of carefully structured gatherings ensures that members take the time to think about important issues and explore them in highly productive ways.
Conversations Encompass Business and “Whole-Person” Success
Conversations can encompass not only business and strategies but “whole life, whole-person success ” – the way in which a deeper purpose matters in one’s life, one’s way of being and relating in the world, habitual ways of thinking and acting, underlying limiting beliefs that prevent growth and expansion, and one’s overall experience of their life and their work in the world. The best mastermind groups also look at the quality of relationships with others, how to communicate more effectively, one’s sense of themselves, your leadership, and how you show up in all domains of their life. It’s not enough to be good at your job, you must be good at your life.
Opportunities for Transformation and Growth
Your involvement in well-structured masterminds provides opportunities for change and growth, new perspectives, new ideas, and possibilities for creating the results you want in your life, achieving your highest potential, and fulfilling your most important professional and personal aspirations.
According to one member of a peer support group quoted in HBR: “It’s remarkably comforting to know that my problems are being considered by some of the best minds, who care about my business and my success as much as I care for theirs. We’ve committed ourselves to a trusted partnership, to doing life together, and that helps keep me mentally healthy. ”
Self-Reflection and Pivoting
Most people do not schedule meaningful time for self-reflection or to think deeply about important issues in their life. A mastermind is a place for members to do just that with the support of others who are able to ask great questions, reflect back, offer new ways of thinking about things, and then get into the arena with you to look at how to navigate your challenges and ideas and move to action.
Diversity of Thought, Perspectives, and Backgrounds
Our own mastermind has a diversity of members with different backgrounds, expertise, and experience who are willing to listen, share their wisdom and insight, and support one another.
Upcoming Mastermind – August 5, 2022 – CORE Conscious Leadership and Business CIrcle
CORE Conscious Leadership and Business Circle is not a seminar or workshop, but rather a working collaboration in which we facilitate dynamic discussions for the purpose of growth and sustainable optimization of each member’s business/work in the world.
- Members are expected to take their participation seriously. You will be expected to show up prepared for each meeting just as you would for any other important meeting.
- You will be expected to contribute to each of your fellow members’ discussions and to be active and thought-provoking in your participation. You will be expected to say what you really think and be fully authentic.
- You will be expected to look deeply at things for yourself and explore your own current ways of thinking and being in the world and discover the connection between yourself and the results of your life. You will be expected to explore both your Inner Game as well as your Outer Game. You will be expected to be open-minded and coachable in this regard.
- You will be expected to give up seeing yourself as a Victim or powerless to create the experience of life you want. To give up complaining and start creating and influencing.
This mastermind is the best way we know of to forward the results of your business and your life – by surrounding yourself with people who ask that you step up and play your highest game. We have been doing this for a long time with many people, both inside and outside organizations of all kinds, and you will be in good company.
This mastermind is not designed for puffery, to impress one other, to one-up each other, or to only show the parts where we really have it together. We want to know the parts that are half-baked or still under construction. We want to know where you struggle and what you are still trying to figure out so that we can all grow together.
If you see value in this type of mastermind, click here to learn more.